Thursday, July 23, 2009

I Want a wife

In my ENC1101 class, I had the opportunity to read the essay I Want a Wife by Judy Brady, and I want to share some of my thoughts with you. In her essay I Want a Wife she sarcastically describes the ideal wife who every man desire. Although her essay was written in 1971, it goes over topics that are present in our society nowadays.First, Brady writes about men who want a woman to take care of children. Many husbands think that this task is mainly for the wife. Second, the writer shows that she wants a wife because many husbands expect their wives to be aware of their physical necessities. For instance, they want someone to keep their clothes clean, to cook the meals, and to clean the house. But I believe that a wife is not a mother or slave to her husband; on the contrary, husbands must be involved in the housework. In addition, helping with the task at home husbands tell their wives that they are important and valuable for them, and they set a good example for children. Finally, the author complains about men who want a wife to be sensitive with their sexual needs. Brady shows men like an animal just interested in being sexually satisfied. I think that she is claiming respect for women and fighting against the view of the woman as a sexual object. I liked this essay a lot because the writer shows in an ironic way how men want women to take responsibilities within the household in addition to fulfilling all of the men’s needs and wants. She points out topics like children care, housework, and sexuality in the marriage. I agree with Judy Brady on that men have to stop seeing women as someone to have children, someone to cook, and someone to clean; in addition, it is time respect the women rights and give them the credit they deserve in our society.

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