Saturday, July 25, 2009

Make a Difference!!!!!!!!

In my class ENC 1102 I was required to do five hours of service learning hours, so I decided to volunteer in Miami-Dade Animal Services Department. My experience doing my service learning hours was amazing. I chose this place because a love dogs, and I have some experience working with dogs. When I chose this place, I expected to do something that I like to, but I never thought that the work would be so important. In Animal Services there is a lot of work and there is a great necessity for volunteers. However, the work is rewarded when you contribute to save a dog’s life. The shelter provides care of dogs while they are waiting for being adopted, but this process takes time, so volunteers help showing animals to prospective adopters and helping them to select the right pet. Also, they help entertaining dogs to keep them happy while they await a new home, feeding and bathing them, and cleaning cages. I did my five-required hours, but I will keep volunteering because I realized that with a few of my time I can make a difference in these dogs’ life. I strongly encourage everyone who loves dogs to think about volunteer at Miami-Dade Animal Services, Make a DIFFERENCE while LEARNING!

Friday, July 24, 2009


In this poem Shelley tells that she met a traveller who came from ancient Egypt. Who said that there (in egypt) he saw two trunlkless legs standing on the sand, with the head that is fallen down beside the trunkless legs.The sculptor(the man who makes sculptors) made the Ozymandias with so perfection that the face could reflect his cold snear(hostility), his frown, arrogantness, mocking on people etc. On the pedestal it was written the "my name is Ozymandias , King of Kings, look at my work ye might , and despair", this shows that Ozymandias was boastfull and had a fashion/habit of showing off. Now only the decay of that huge wreck remains. the moral behind this poem is that

Hamlet by William Shakespeare.

I really enjoyed reading and watching the movie about Hamlet. This was a very intersting tragedy because it was between sane and insane. After Hamlet's father death. he was devastated because his mother married his uncle very quick. Hamlet was trying to seek revange for his father's death and its in this attempt when he begins to loose everything that he loved and cared for. Wanting to kill his uncle for his dad's death, he looses the love of his life Ophelia because she goes insane after her fathers death. She was devastated and she dies. At the end of the play Hamlet finally exposed his uncle while he was fighting with Ophelia's brother. But after Claudius being exposed, Hamlet's mother drank a poison drink and she died while Hamlet was stab with a poison sword dying too but not after stabbing and poisoning Claudius. Eventhough Hamlet died he fullfilled his purpose of finding who was the king's murderer, even though in his quest his loved ones and even himself found death.

My Favorite Sport

Tennis is my favorite sport; playing tennis is really cool and it relaxes me, but it needs many high-toned skills. Playing tennis is not as easy as playing badminton or ping pong. But as soon as I learned how to play tennis, I loved it.Playing tennis is really fun and elegant. I once watched a movie about playing tennis, which was called Wimbledon. The gesture of playing tennis was so beautiful that it attracted my attention. The angle control is a very important skill in playing tennis. Any attenuate change will affect the trail of ball, so learning how to control the angle becomes the key factor to success or failure. It's so exciting that I enjoy it a lot.

Michael Corleone

The Godfather created by Francis Ford Coppola and Mario Puzo is my favorite movie. It has influenced the creation of dozens of mafia movies after it's creation, and has impacted the cinema industry in countless ways. It is not only the amazing casting, the direction, the production and writing that cause people to be astounded with this film, but the characters and the acting are that like no other. My favorite character is Michael Corleone played by Al Pacino who experiments a great change through the movie. When we first meet him he is a very honest looking, war hero type, that is very distant from the business of his father and the family. It is not until after his father, Vito Corleone's attempted murder that we see a new side to Michael. He goes to visit his father in the hospital only to realize that the police were no longer there to protect him. When he calls his family, the police come as well and hit him and attempt to arrest him. The disloyalty of McCluskey and Sollozzo outrage Michael and he makes plans for their murder. Clemenza and Tessio explain to him that they will go to a restaurant and he would go to the bathroom, where the gun would be hidden and he would come out and shoot them both. This all goes to plan and Michael must hide in Sicily for safety. This is the turning point in the life of Michael. He had immersed himself in the business of the family. I strongly recommend you this movie, you will love it.

Oedipus The King by Sophocles

To me this one of the most dramatic and tragic stories that I have ever read in my life, it is not close enogh to the tragedy in Romeo and Juliet is way beyond that. When I began to read this tragedy I didn't realize the magnitude of the problem that Oedipus was going to face. As we kept on reading it, it was imposible not to get more and more into it, it was amzing. As the story flows and starts to solving the big mistery of who killed the old king, things were getting pretty bad. It was a very weird for me to know that at the end Oedipus was married to his mother and that his son and daughters were also their siblings. These made me think that sometimes people say "Oh I have very bad luck" but nothing compares to what happened to Oedipus and his family. It was a very intersting story in which I really liked and enjoyed reading it, eventhough it was very crucial and demolishing for Oedipus at the end.

The World Is Too Much with Us by William Wordsworth

This poem is amazing and made me reflect a lot because this poem have so much truth in it. This poem talks about how people now are more conected with the material stuff rather than with with the natural things that the world have to offer us. To me this is very true and we can see this happening everyday, now kids stay home playing video games rather than going out and having a picnic with their family. In my opinion is not only kids, men and women also cooperate with this material world and have a huge part on it. Now a days nobody likes to walk instead of using the car which is one of the ways that we are attached to our material things. Eventhough I think this poem was truth I wish that it wasn't his way but sadly enough it is and w eare caught up with material stuffs.

Television Addiction

I think that television addiction is a serious issue that our society is facing nowadays. Do you think taht television is addicting???, similar like drugs or alcohol???
First of all, like drugs, watching television allows the viewer to forget about the real world and makes them get into a pleasurable but imaginary one. People fall in drug-use and television because both activities offer an escape from all the problems of daily life; moreover, it shows a different experience of reality. Robert Kubey, a professor at Rutgers University, writes that “people who were watching TV when we beeped them reported feeling relaxed and passive.” This unrealistic mental state, which addicted people get in, makes them lose attraction for any other activities. Therefore, they return to TV viewing again and again.
Furthermore, addictions cause an imbalance in the addict’s lives. In fact, addicted people become helpless when they turn off the television. Someone who is addicted psychologically believes that they cannot function without it. In my experience, I limit my hours on TV and make sure that I always have my school work done before I turn it on.
Finally, Watching television misrepresents time and may interfere with social relations. Viewers cannot work or play while watching television; they cannot be out on the streets making friends. For example, excessive television viewing hinders the personal and social progress of the child; as a result, the child wastes occasions to interact with other children and develop social skills. For this reason, parents should encourage their children to participate in activities outside home in order to move the children away of TV.
I believe that television is as harmful as drug and alcohol, and it has various negative effects on our society as well.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I Want a wife

In my ENC1101 class, I had the opportunity to read the essay I Want a Wife by Judy Brady, and I want to share some of my thoughts with you. In her essay I Want a Wife she sarcastically describes the ideal wife who every man desire. Although her essay was written in 1971, it goes over topics that are present in our society nowadays.First, Brady writes about men who want a woman to take care of children. Many husbands think that this task is mainly for the wife. Second, the writer shows that she wants a wife because many husbands expect their wives to be aware of their physical necessities. For instance, they want someone to keep their clothes clean, to cook the meals, and to clean the house. But I believe that a wife is not a mother or slave to her husband; on the contrary, husbands must be involved in the housework. In addition, helping with the task at home husbands tell their wives that they are important and valuable for them, and they set a good example for children. Finally, the author complains about men who want a wife to be sensitive with their sexual needs. Brady shows men like an animal just interested in being sexually satisfied. I think that she is claiming respect for women and fighting against the view of the woman as a sexual object. I liked this essay a lot because the writer shows in an ironic way how men want women to take responsibilities within the household in addition to fulfilling all of the men’s needs and wants. She points out topics like children care, housework, and sexuality in the marriage. I agree with Judy Brady on that men have to stop seeing women as someone to have children, someone to cook, and someone to clean; in addition, it is time respect the women rights and give them the credit they deserve in our society.

Everyday Use by Alice Walker

Everyday Use is a very interesting story; I loved it because it is very meaningful. This is the story of two sisters but this ones are not two close. In the middle of this family mess is the mother of both them. This two sisters have nothing except the family in common. Maggie is very noble, nice, gentle but he is also burned and in the other hand Dee (Wangero) is outgoing, selfish and very pretty. Maggie was the one that always gave everything to her sister without thinking in herself, but things changed when Dee wants the quilts that Maggie have loved and apreciatte all her life. Eventhough Dee was adapted to get everything she wanted her mom though her a lesson that not everything will be hers because others also needs to have the chance and the opportunity to get what they desired. To me this is very real and is lesson not only for Dee if not everybody because we need to know that we are not always going t get what we want.

The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe

To me the tell-tale heart was a very nerve racking story for many reasons. At the beggining of reading it you could see a man that loks like he is traumatized or crazy. The very first word that he pronounces is True!! but the thing is that nobody asked him anything which means that he is talking to himself which to me this means that he is not to good from his head. Through the play he is very nervous at everytime like if he where hidding something from someone. But things got worst when the police came knocking in his dor to ask him a simple question. After these event he paralyses and he starts talking all this kind of "nonsenses" that not even the police is able to quite understand. But when this mean really freaked me out was at the end when he revealed the so called secret which was that he had in his living room a burried heart that suppousiby was beating louder and louder. This confession took him to jail and me to think that this was a horror tale.

Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin

After reading all the stories my favorite one was "The Story of an Hour". I loved and enjoyed a lot reading this one because it was very ironic and unpredictable. I think that it was unpredictable because after she got the news that her husband had died she was shocked at the beggining but after she thought about it she was more than happy, she was free. As the story goes along she began to think that life will be a lot more better by herself without anybody telling you what you have to do or telling you if what you did is right or wrong. At the end she hears someone that knocks in her door, it was her husband. After this event happened I thought that she will be incredebly happy because he was there, but no it wasnt nothing like this it was something that no one will thought she died. The doctor said at the end that she died of a joy that kill. It is very ironic the use of the word “joy”, because it was joy that the character felt when she knew her husband was dead, and a great sadness that killed her when she saw her husband alive.